The day I shot Cupid

14 Feb

So I guess I should start with the “Happy Valentines Day” catch phrase of the day….

Well let’s just say it is not my favourite day of the year :)… One could say that maybe it’s just the single girl inside me being negative towards the love day… or even the fact that my recent love experiences have sort of made me lose a bit of hope in love…

I usually tend to find the whole thing a bit hypocritical with us being bombarded with marketing campaigns unconsciously forcing us to feel the need to buy something to demonstrate our love or feelings to our significant other just because it is Valentine’s but shouldn’t we try to demonstrate our love everyday??

I do not mean that we should be buying gifts everyday (because they tend to hurt our bank accounts :s) of course not! What we should be doing is taking the time with small but significant things that mean the world to someone, those I believe are the best demonstrations of love… after all the best things in life are the simplest ones… Most people though, do not seem to think the same way, displaying extravagant demonstrations instead, such as sending flowers to work places to surprise “girlfriends”. I am not saying it is not a nice gesture, there’s a romantic side to it but would it not be much more significant to deliver them in person and share the moment in private?? It all just feels like “Oh look mine is better than yours!!!” basically a competition 🙂

As you can sense I try to stay positive and sympathise with it but sometimes it is just a bit too much and I literally feel like shooting down Cupid and all that comes attached to it.

Despite of it all I woke up today and as usual felt like skipping the day completely, hiding from the world under my duvet… but had lectures to attend, therefore had to force myself out of bed… The thought of going out in the cold and looking at flowers, hearts and the colour red and pink everywhere made me cringe…. regardless I tried to be positive and it actually turned out to be a good day.

The weather was bearable after the cold front we faced last week, University was as insightful as it can ever be: a long tiring day with lecturers that sometimes seem to not have a clue of what they’re talking about but still a good laugh… People were nice and I even got some looks here and there :)… Received quite a few messages from friends wishing em a good day but, I have to say that the highlight of my day was definitely getting home.

At home a nice bouquet of red roses with chocolates from my parents and a lovely dinner made by my sister awaited me.

It really made me grin like a silly girl the simple fact that even though I am single and had to endure love demonstrations all around me, trying not to feel sad or depressed a small little gesture from a friend or even family (in this case a very unique and amazing family :)) made me feel like a superstar. As you can see the small little things really do count!

To conclude this long post I suppose I have realised that as a single girl it is not really about the day or the people rubbing their loved up behaviour on your face but more about being positive about it all, enjoying the day and appreciating the little small things that come your way… even if it is just your younger sister trying to give you a “choc-overdose” for the sake of being valentine’s day and then stealing all your chocolates after you try digesting the one you just bit :p

Enjoy your evening! xxx

Le bouquet

6 Responses to “The day I shot Cupid”

  1. cms February 15, 2012 at 8:05 pm #

    tens razão, o bouquet está um bocado pobre:(((hehehe… valeu a intenção! bjos estalados no coração.

    • Ci February 16, 2012 at 2:32 pm #

      True 🙂

  2. vintageeva February 16, 2012 at 1:39 pm #

    Insightful! and you’re so right

    • Ci February 16, 2012 at 2:33 pm #

      Merci amour 🙂

  3. 21bea February 16, 2012 at 2:18 pm #

    At least you had a lovely day 🙂

    • Ci February 16, 2012 at 2:33 pm #

      Yeah it ended up being a good day 🙂

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