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London – St. Tropez

6 Sep

This is one of those random posts where I attempt to explain how I ended up in St. Tropez by accident. Well… not exactly, more like by choice really…

It all started at a lovely dinner involving a few cocktails that were supposed to cheer me up, they did indeed cheer me up, but in the mist of my happiness and possibly haziness… when one of my favourite people suggested that I should join them on their trip to St. Tropez, my decision.. Wait what decision? There was nothing to decide there! Now who wouldn’t jump at that chance?! Suddenly I had bought a ticket to Nice, then the next second we were jumping of excitement and then it was the next day, boohoo! I woke up and it all felt like a dream, eventually I did realise that it was just my subtle hangover kicking in; there was a certain feeling of guilt over my head, but hey I was going to St. Tropez so the best thing to do was to go and enjoy myself!

The trip was a nightmare; it was like every turn was telling me to go back to London. The flight was at 6am (so I didn’t sleep), then EasyJet and all the luggage restrictions -_-, the bus ride from the airport to Nice station was smooth, but then after buying the wrong train ticket I met this hellish woman at the ticket office which wanted to do everything except helping me.. Adding to that my rusty French “cough, cough” didn’t exactly make things better.

Anyway, I finally get the right train to St. Raphael only to get there and discover that the ferry to St. Tropez wouldn’t go out for another 3 hours -_-… So I decide to go for the coach which would leave in an hour and a half, imagine the boredom…! A loonng coach ride later I get to St. Tropez and everyone would think, “Heyy happy times!!!”… No (and I mean this with a grumpy cat kind of face).

I was looking for a cab, plain and simple. I asked 3 people, had directions from my friend and even then I managed to miss the Taxi stop after passing it 4 times (that’s how well signalled it was haha or maybe I’m just terrible with directions..). To make matters worse it had started raining as soon as I had set foot in St. Tropez, now come on it wouldn’t be complete without the rain.

When I finally found a cab, or maybe it found me who knows? I was ready to go home, but after all the struggle… so I finally met my friends at the Hotel.

After that long (let’s emphasize the meaning of long in our heads) day, it was all a very fast and happy blur. The next 3 days involved everything from pools, day and night clubs, afternoon-long lunches, sparkling rose wine (that is a very vivid memory), naked people, crazy dances and most of all eccentricity literally everywhere (and I mean literally in the true meaning of the word) which was quite amusing really, I was often entertained.

We enjoyed ourselves, even too much. So much that I failed to take the many pictures I was planning to -_-. Anyway, have a look at the meagre pictures…



It all starts with one cocktail…

LED shark


Then I met a LED shark,


too attached to led walls


so I became too attached to the LED wall :p




the long lunches with my besties 😀


at le beach


at le beach.


le Nikki beach


Turning it up!




All the farewells


le port


le goodbye


Ah I did get to go on my Ferry ride!!! Excitement level… a 1000.



Moving days…

4 Sep
Moving days...

Shirt top
$46 –

Cropped t shirt

TOMS shoes
$57 –

TOMS flat shoes
$65 –

Christian Dior lipstick
$37 –


4 Sep

Last week once again (okay it’s only the second time…) me and a bunch of my lovelies, “onesies” included, joined the crowds of west London to attend Notting Hill Carnival.

It was chaotic, noisy, colourful, exotic and rhythmic all at once. I drank, jumped, attempted some Caribbean moves (still wondering on how successful those were :/…) and saw the best costumes and most cringing ones too… There were all types of themed dancing groups, the colour ones, the chocolate ones (which looked a bit… erm weird looking with all that chocolate dripping…), there was even an old man on a balcony rocking his electric guitar to Caribbean tunes…! That said you can immediately assume it was an EPIC day! Have a peep…

Notting Hill Carnival 2013













Dare to bare?

21 Aug
Dare to bare?

Etro skirt

J Crew oxford

Mac cosmetic

Rainy summers…

16 Aug
Rainy summers...

Markus Lupfer sequin top

Alexander wang

Jeffrey Campbell ankle boots

KOTUR strap bag

Marc by marc jacob

Christian dior

Print madness…

1 Aug
Print madness...

Borne by Elise Berger silk kimono
$175 –

Borne by Elise Berger silk pants
$99 –

A jeans affair

29 Jul
A jeans affair

Rag & Bone boyfriend jeans
$315 –

H&M skinny jeans
$15 –

Diesel jeans

Fendi suede boots
$910 –

Jeffrey Campbell black boots
$275 –

Aldo shoes

A summery christmas…

19 Jan

Hello there fellow bloggers…!


First of all Happy New Year! (yes I know… I am 19 days late ah…!) So again have been way for a while… my schedule is too crazy at the minute and with the holidays and all I just got lazy :)…

Anyway a quick post with some of the highlights of my Christmas holiday. It’s always an exciting time for me as I get to escape the cold of London and run back home for some needed sun and warm weather (we were getting 30 degrees + there!), a shame that it is now a distant memory… Anyway enjoy!

Every year me and my sis put the christmas tree together sort of a tradition

Every year me and my sis put the christmas tree together sort of a tradition


pretty decorations...

My favourite part of going back home (apart from seeing the family of course!) is the beach, I just love being in the sea it’s one of the best feelings ever…

days at the beach

days at the beach

days at the beach

days at the beach

A few amazing nights out…

nights out...

nights out

nights out


and the blue skies :)…

blue skies


Amazing sunsets by the pool…

sunsets by the pool

sunsets by the pool



the last goodbyes to 2012… and welcoming 2013

happy moments






A classy night?

6 Dec
A classy night?

Acne silk shirt
$420 –

Bardot leather short shorts
$84 –

Ash shoes


Yellow gold jewelry

Lost in translation…

29 Oct
Lost in translation...

Armani Jeans navy blue shirt
$97 –

Bardot vintage skirt
$93 –

Heel sandals
$40 –