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positive news . “Fire with fire”

16 Aug

I have this habit of roaming around the Internet looking at news from several websites and funnily enough (or maybe weirdly enough?) I always tend to find the craziest pieces of news. I like to think of it as a gift 😀 my friends just think I’m weird -_-… However, yesterday while on my daily hunt I found this really touching and amazing video (in one of the many random websites go figure…) of doctors fighting a little girl’s cancer with the HIV virus and it definitely deserves to be seen and shared. Hope you appreciate it as much as I did x.

Japan to reactivate nuclear power?? News from Microsoft along with an euro meltdown…

19 Jun

A little bit of news…

I was quite surprised to read that Japan’s Prime Minister ordered for some of its nuclear reactors to go back on-line so soon after the disaster they endured last year, which caused the meltdown of the Fukushima reactors.

Most of the Japanese public are against this and protesting but the prime minister says it is vital for Japan which used to get most of its electrical power, prior to the disaster, from nuclear power, so it is needed to start the reactors now to avoid power shortages during the peak months. The Prime Minister also pledged to try and reduce Japan’s reliance on nuclear power… But is it safe?


Exciting news maybe? Microsoft just announced the launch of the Surface, a tablet to rival Apple’s i-pad.

It’s interesting because they are launching two versions:

A tablet version less powerful with the Windows RT OS and MS Office package which comes with a plastic cover that doubles as a keyboard.

The more powerful version will work as a laptop replacement, it will have the Windows 8 OS and will have a digital pen that can be used to write on the screen.

The concept and the project in itself is quite interesting, now we just have to wait for the launch date and more importantly the lovely price tag… it might give Apple a run for its money 🙂


To finish off this post a well known and recurring issue… The economic meltdown in Europe, Greece staying in the euro continues an uncertainty but Germany has stated that the EU will not grant Greece another bailout. The new elections have fallen towards the party favouring the Euro, but with the current level of unpopularity amongst the Greek public maybe the Drachma is not a complete write-off yet…



Venus in sight, the Euro 2012

10 Jun

I was quite excited to read that planet Venus would transit, appearing to pass across the sun and being visible from earth, but of course we were not able to see a thing from the UK due to our lovely weather… Interesting fact: is not happening again until December of 2125… Here’s a few photos taken by Nasa


Euro 2012

The euro started this Friday and is already causing a lot of controversy. The competitions which is being held in Ukraine – Poland has been heavily criticised due to a lot of racist behaviour and acts being observed, not only racial but also against the LGBT community. Quite appalling and sad that nowadays people still behave in such a way. Is it really normal??


21 Mar

So it’s been a while… I have been so busy lately either with all the procrastination or trying to work out my final year project 😀 more of the last (I hope :s)…

Moving on… in today’s post I will be talking about a bit of news…

Toulouse shooting

In the last few days the news have been filled with reports from the shocking shooting that happened in Toulouse – France where a extremist Algerian man killed a teacher and 3 children at a Jewish school and has also been linked to the death of 2 and 1 wounded army men in the same city in a different shooting.

I was quite shocked especially after being in Toulouse not long ago and reading a detailed report of the incident where the killer even boasted about coldly shooting the children point blank to avenge the children of Palestine, and the army soldiers for France’s involvement in Afghanistan. How is that even justifiable??

What has the world come to? It was a hideous premeditated act condemned by governments around the world, the suspect has now been caught to the relief of many people.

Aspirin and cancer

Today while browsing on the web I came across a quite interesting news report. A study carried by experts at the University of Oxford suggest that taking a daily dose of Aspirin may prevent and possibly treat Cancer. This would be a fantastic breakthrough in the fight against Cancer when more and more people are victims of the illness. After carrying the study on a number of people, results showed that the intake of aspirin on Cancer patients reduced the chance of it spreading. Experts say the patient would have to be taking Aspirins for a few years for this to be effective, but even starting to taking it now could improve chances of preventing Cancer. Of course it is not all a fairytale, there are downsides to the regular ingestion of Aspirin one of them being internal bleeding, but it seems that the advantages weight out the disadvantages. So keep an eye on it 😉

Angry birds takeover??

Now a funny one… Everyone knows about the game Angry Birds, I am a self confessed addict and now it seems Rovio (company behind the game) will build several “Angry Birds” theme parks around the planet and it seems promising! According to them  they will be “developing a service which brings together the digital world and the physical world in a way that’s never been seen before,” and “The popularity of Angry Birds isn’t restricted to any age, sex or social group, and the activity parks too will be designed to be interesting places for absolutely everyone, all around the world.”.

I know it seems silly but I am actually excited about seeing this, apparently they are aiming to become as popular as some of the Disney characters such as Mickey Mouse and Minnie.,2817,2401913,00.asp


A bit on Kony… Who has not heard about Kony? It was like an on-line revolution had happened after the 30 minute video pleading people to support the movement to stop Joseph Kony (Uganda War lord that has been kidnapping kids and turning them into soldiers for the past 30 years) was uploaded to the web. It has become the most viral video in history which had more than 100 million views by the 6th day.

The message in the video in my view is very positive and so is the awareness it has caused where so many people got involved and wanted to do more, but it also received a lot of criticism with people in Uganda arguing that Kony had left the country years ago and this was not portraying the present reality in Uganda. The Invisible children org was also accused of not using the money received from donations to help the people it pledged to help.

After all this controversy it seems it was a bit too much to take for the creator of the video Jason Russell. Russell was arrested last week for wandering the streets of San Diego naked and showing erratic behaviour, it has been reported that he suffered a breakdown and was psychotic due to extreme stress and is now recovering at the hospital. Hopefully he will recover soon and keep up the good work.–kony-2012-man-behind-stop-kony-movement-suffers-from-psychosis-wife-says

This is it for now have a lovely week
