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Sun. Culture. Ice-cream!

21 Jul

















After not seeing a friend of mine for years and years we finally found ourselves at the same place/same time and could meet up for a catch up.

We opted for a cultural day out around Belem, so we got to see the Jeronimos Monastery and the Belem tower while walking around the gardens and eating loads of pasteis de Belem (traditional cream tarts). The garden walk was refreshing and relaxing as we got water from the fountain sprinkled all around us because of the summer breeze, it felt awesome ’cause as you can see it was seriously sunny! I got to bring out the legs (stole one of Jo’s shorts, it’s mine now :p!), wore my fav converse (the Gorillaz one ;)) and rock out some silver arm candy… of course the day couldn’t end without me getting some frozen yoghurt and if you follow this blog you’ve probably figured that I am an ice-cream/frozen yoghurt monster :D… Are there any ice cream lovers out there?


My secret pleasure…

17 Jul


Ok let me be honest… I love pizza, it’s one of my guilty pleasures after ice-cream, chocolate, bread… and the list could go on for ages :)…

When I discovered Casanova, I felt like a happy bunny jumping around, simply because they have the best pizzas and desserts… The ingredients are fresh, the dough is thin and crunchy and they don’t make you feel like you’re exploding or too guilty about eating one whole pizza by yourself this unless you try to devour more than one pizza on one go…


When it comes to drinks I always have the Cremolatti which is sparkling wine mixed with fresh fruit, there’s loads of flavours such as passion fruit, raspberry, strawberry and many others, the perfect drink for summer…








The desserts are also a treat, we had the panacotta and the tiramisu and they didn’t disappoint…

So if you ever find yourself in Lisbon and need a pizza fix, visit Casanova right across St. Apolonia’s station, the views are great, the vibe super chilled and the waiters always smiling 😉



Giraffe giraffe giraffe…!

28 Jun

My sister first took me to Giraffe the restaurant a few months ago and I have to say I just fell in love with it…

Not because it has Michelin starred food or it is considered one of the best restaurants by critics no far from that… Giraffe is all about the atmosphere and its tasty, simple and I have to say healthy menu (of course there are the heavier choices!). The drinks are also diverse and fun to try both alcoholic and non alcoholic, I have recently tried their mint lemonade and loved it, it’s refreshing and zingy and comes in this cute jar/mug that makes it even more appealing… Well enough said go try it!




Yes the desserts are also delicious and the staff super friendly, me and my sister always have a great laugh when we go there 🙂

Have you ever been?




3 Feb


So second post and I did warn you… so guess what this one will be about?? Food :p

I had one of my friends visit me since we had not seen each other for a while and amidst laziness, long random conversation, giggles and bad laughable TV we decided to go on a rampage and play a bit of “Desperate Housewives”. The result… a full on Mexican dinner followed by a chocolate Tort and cupcakes which we decided to bake ourselves.

It was a torture and fun all at the same time…

So it was -2 degrees outside and we had to brave the cold in order to buy what we needed and after much running around at Sainsbury’s going back and forward (I do believe people thought we were a bit crazy) we managed to face the walk back with numb toes, ears, well literally numb everywhere and get home.

The kitchen ended up a mess but we did manage to bake some funny and rather weird decorated cupcakes and a nice chocolate tort and here are some pics to prove it enjoy….!