Archive | January, 2013


19 Jan


During the holidays while wandering on youtube discovered another yet great DJ. He goes by the name of John Talabot and has one of the smoothest deep house albums I have heard in a while.

The album is called Fin and the songs tend to have a mix of sounds ranging from animals, to instrumental and electronic… in a way some of his work reminds me of Nicolas Jaar but still very different, Talabot is more up beat.

Big highlights to Depak Ine, Destiny, Oro y Sangre, Missing you and So will be now (big tracks there ;)) so as I usually say go have a listen!

John talabot fin


A summery christmas…

19 Jan

Hello there fellow bloggers…!


First of all Happy New Year! (yes I know… I am 19 days late ah…!) So again have been way for a while… my schedule is too crazy at the minute and with the holidays and all I just got lazy :)…

Anyway a quick post with some of the highlights of my Christmas holiday. It’s always an exciting time for me as I get to escape the cold of London and run back home for some needed sun and warm weather (we were getting 30 degrees + there!), a shame that it is now a distant memory… Anyway enjoy!

Every year me and my sis put the christmas tree together sort of a tradition

Every year me and my sis put the christmas tree together sort of a tradition


pretty decorations...

My favourite part of going back home (apart from seeing the family of course!) is the beach, I just love being in the sea it’s one of the best feelings ever…

days at the beach

days at the beach

days at the beach

days at the beach

A few amazing nights out…

nights out...

nights out

nights out


and the blue skies :)…

blue skies


Amazing sunsets by the pool…

sunsets by the pool

sunsets by the pool



the last goodbyes to 2012… and welcoming 2013

happy moments



