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Frosty much??

7 Feb

Evening everyone,

I was just sitting here looking out into the backyard and thinking how pretty and perfect it looked with a white sheet covering it… So it seems like the cold weather has come to stay… after a mild December and January it was February that brought the frost bite who would’ve thought…

It was quite funny when it started snowing 3 days ago watching everyone spamming Facebook with photos of Snowmen and roads and houses covered in snow… I dreaded it a little bit :D… Yeah I know who would not enjoy a bit of snow magic??!

Now let’s be honest for a minute, snow is only enjoyable during the first day when you can play around with it or when perhaps like me you don’t dare put your foot outside of the house for 3 days straight and quite enjoy looking at the landscape from the comfort of your living room with a hot drink :)…

Unfortunately  my little 3 day adventure enjoying the perks of laziness and hot drinks ends tomorrow as I will have to leave the comfort of my house to cycle and brave the weather on my way to university… so as you can predict it should be lots of fun :s…!

Well on a positive note you can always enjoy the pretty landscapes for now as when the snow starts melting it just gets messy and muddy (can’t wait for it!), but if you are an outdoors person then all I can say is go for it and get out and about…!

Now advice of the moment: layer up, get some wellies and get used to it as this is continuing until the end of Feb darlings ;)… I’ll try and smile through it…!
