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3 Feb


So second post and I did warn you… so guess what this one will be about?? Food :p

I had one of my friends visit me since we had not seen each other for a while and amidst laziness, long random conversation, giggles and bad laughable TV we decided to go on a rampage and play a bit of “Desperate Housewives”. The result… a full on Mexican dinner followed by a chocolate Tort and cupcakes which we decided to bake ourselves.

It was a torture and fun all at the same time…

So it was -2 degrees outside and we had to brave the cold in order to buy what we needed and after much running around at Sainsbury’s going back and forward (I do believe people thought we were a bit crazy) we managed to face the walk back with numb toes, ears, well literally numb everywhere and get home.

The kitchen ended up a mess but we did manage to bake some funny and rather weird decorated cupcakes and a nice chocolate tort and here are some pics to prove it enjoy….! 

First post…

3 Feb

I guess I should start by saying hello… This is my first post as you can probably conclude from the title above… It is both exciting and daunting as I try to think about to what to say really on my first post as I comfortably sit on my couch…

Maybe I should tell you about what I will be “blogging” about in the future… not that I have a decided on a clear or straight idea of what my blog or the subjects discussed in it will be about. I like to think that it will be an “open-minded” blog where I will share and discuss about things that catch my eye and make me smile or cause an impression and are therefore, interesting to share with other people… There are a few subjects you should definitely expect to see here though, which are food, music and pictures of sunny places :p… but again as I mentioned before I will post about anything that catches my eye: music, news, interesting stores, arts, dance, people, architecture… and the list could go on for ages but I am guessing you get the idea.

What I expect from it…? Well that whoever reads it enjoys and hopefully has a laugh about it.

Please feel free to suggest or share any ideas you might find interesting 😉

